Yes, if you like it or not, reading and education is fundamental to our success. This is just a friendly reminder to go through your CDs and booklets we recommended to you and to finally read that book that you know you should have read last year. Christine and I have probably inspired you here and then to order some more learning material every so often. It is crucial! Shifting our paradigms and honing our skills is not an option - we must!
Here's the link:
We know life gets in the way all the time, every day. And that's exactly the problem - our comfort zone. We excuse ourselves all the time being too busy with a million other things. But are these million things changing our live's future to the better? In other words: "If we keep doing what we have been doing (not reading/learning, trying something else), we will keep getting what we already have." (our status quo of today).
Isn't that one of the reasons why we joined Xango? We are in this to change our life. So remember to put reading and learning high up onto your priority list. A little bit every day. Someone said at the last Xango Woman's Empowerment Event: "You have all lost your right to listen to music in the car until you have reached Premier!"
Christine and I meet once a week and do a "80/20 session". We identify all the things that create 80% of our income or success. That, what a surprise, is only 20% of what we do and who we work with. Many of us just keep busy to feel we're worthy, important, needed, loved by others or just busy doing something to define and edify our existence. Bad conscience goes a long way. But that is just poor time management and working for all the wrong people and wrong reasons. And guess what, that doesn't add to the bottom line. Not today, not next month.
Then we identify the 80% of things and people that blog us down and only make 20% of our success. Now comes the important and hard part: GET RID OF IT!
I will close this week, of course, with a book recommendation: "The 4 hour Work Week", by Timothy Ferris ( So the next time we see each other, you are either Premier or you're listening to a self improvement CD.
Have a wonderful weekend ;-)
Ken & Christine
5K Xango Distributors
"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance."- Bruce Barton
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