Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Inspire & help others achieve security in finances & health

This blog will inspire and share ideas of educating and growing a wellness based business that will provide for each individual a security in finances and in health. We hope this will become your motivation and drive to contact me and my mentors on our website www.MyMangosteen.com/Breeze to become a Xango customer/cosultants and therefor become a partner of us to do business. Feel free to sign up for the ten part free newsletter on the benefits of the health product and the business opportunity.

What most people don't see when they look into a home based business is the quality of people that are at your finger tips or just a phone cal away to help you learn and grow as a person and as a mentor and home based business owner. There are many companies out there and more coming every week. And I'm not saying that they are all good, au contraire. So how do you make an educated decision on what product/service to choose and what company? Well, that's what we are here for. To provide you with all the information, links and answers to all your questions as much as you are willing to handle.

For starters, check out this link to get the gist on how leverage and residual income works for you compared to a 9-5 job, where you are paid only once for your hourly time. Just to give you a quick comparison: Imagine you're a realtor and are selling a house. You get paid a commission once only. Now imagine you would be paid for that on sale every month for the rest of your life. That's leverage and that's residual income. Here's the link:


I look forward to your comments and feedback on my website.

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