Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Free Gas" - IRS Increases Business Mileage Deduction

Hi everyone,

if you knew it or not, as a Xango customer/consultant you have a home based business. As a business owner you can write off all Xango related business expenses!!! Your trip to Starbucks, the coffee you buy there, the cool drink at he Elements Resort Spa, the trip to Spain (because you're meeting with people that may be interested in joining your business, right???) stuff like that. If that's too complicated, call me. Just start saving all your receipts.

You might not know it, but if you're on a minimum 1 case monthly auto-ship, guess what, you're juice is already paid for... and much more. Think about all the people you know that would want this 3-6000 USD a year tax break. For more info see also

Let's talk.

Have a wonderful day.


P.S. Check out the new and awesome vitamins & minerals at Yes, they are different from any other brand. See the website to find out why.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Education - Reading Really is Fundemental

Yes, if you like it or not, reading and education is fundamental to our success. This is just a friendly reminder to go through your CDs and booklets we recommended to you and to finally read that book that you know you should have read last year. Christine and I have probably inspired you here and then to order some more learning material every so often. It is crucial! Shifting our paradigms and honing our skills is not an option - we must!

Here's the link:

We know life gets in the way all the time, every day. And that's exactly the problem - our comfort zone. We excuse ourselves all the time being too busy with a million other things. But are these million things changing our live's future to the better? In other words: "If we keep doing what we have been doing (not reading/learning, trying something else), we will keep getting what we already have." (our status quo of today).
Isn't that one of the reasons why we joined Xango? We are in this to change our life. So remember to put reading and learning high up onto your priority list. A little bit every day. Someone said at the last Xango Woman's Empowerment Event: "You have all lost your right to listen to music in the car until you have reached Premier!"

Christine and I meet once a week and do a "80/20 session". We identify all the things that create 80% of our income or success. That, what a surprise, is only 20% of what we do and who we work with. Many of us just keep busy to feel we're worthy, important, needed, loved by others or just busy doing something to define and edify our existence. Bad conscience goes a long way. But that is just poor time management and working for all the wrong people and wrong reasons. And guess what, that doesn't add to the bottom line. Not today, not next month.

Then we identify the 80% of things and people that blog us down and only make 20% of our success. Now comes the important and hard part: GET RID OF IT!

I will close this week, of course, with a book recommendation: "The 4 hour Work Week", by Timothy Ferris ( So the next time we see each other, you are either Premier or you're listening to a self improvement CD.

Have a wonderful weekend ;-)

Ken & Christine
5K Xango Distributors

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance."- Bruce Barton

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Welcome to our Mangosteen & Network Marketing Blog

Hi team USA and Hallo Team Europa,

where ever you are on this beautiful planet today, we hope you had a great week so far.

Last evening's webinar with Dr. Tootla and Dr. Leets on Mangosteen and the new 3Sixty5 vitamin set from Xango was again phenomenal! Email me, should you want to see it again. website owners have it in their back office.

You would think, that after a few years in this business one would know it all, or at least most of it. Think again. Life is a never ending learning process. The sad part is that 90% of the western population (the ones that actually had the luxury to learn to read) does not read a single book after they leave school. Shocking, yes, but true. Come to think of it, I wasn't reading much either after school. Job and life took it's toll. But I was running dry after a decade or so and am thankful that Xango and the network marketing industry we are in, gave us new motivation to learn about a whole new world: people, coaching, health, wealth, the rewards of helping others, leverage and much, much more.

In an attempt to start establishing an ongoing blog on these topics, we will build this blog page and website with podcasts, videos, links, downloads and much more for our English, Spanish and German business partners and clients worldwide. You can start subscribing to our blog at :

We will keep informing you on changes and updates and hope for tons of feedback what YOU would like to see and hear about. Our goal is to establish communication, on-going learning and help you encourage others to use all the tools available to leverage your time and success.

Cheers from Arizona, Ken & Christine Breeze

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Inspire & help others achieve security in finances & health

This blog will inspire and share ideas of educating and growing a wellness based business that will provide for each individual a security in finances and in health. We hope this will become your motivation and drive to contact me and my mentors on our website to become a Xango customer/cosultants and therefor become a partner of us to do business. Feel free to sign up for the ten part free newsletter on the benefits of the health product and the business opportunity.

What most people don't see when they look into a home based business is the quality of people that are at your finger tips or just a phone cal away to help you learn and grow as a person and as a mentor and home based business owner. There are many companies out there and more coming every week. And I'm not saying that they are all good, au contraire. So how do you make an educated decision on what product/service to choose and what company? Well, that's what we are here for. To provide you with all the information, links and answers to all your questions as much as you are willing to handle.

For starters, check out this link to get the gist on how leverage and residual income works for you compared to a 9-5 job, where you are paid only once for your hourly time. Just to give you a quick comparison: Imagine you're a realtor and are selling a house. You get paid a commission once only. Now imagine you would be paid for that on sale every month for the rest of your life. That's leverage and that's residual income. Here's the link:

I look forward to your comments and feedback on my website.