People, you have to stop thinking you can get rich in just a few months. Network marketing has the word "work" inside of it... like everything else in life and everything worth while, it takes commitment, dedication, passion, relationship building, patience and time. Too often do we see newly enrolled prospects get all hyped up in the first few weeks only to crash after 1-2 months of exhausting excitement and effort, followed by disappointments and failures. Fear of rejection and little knowledge of the nature of this business and product (especially with sales people or self claimed professionals that think they "know it all") add to a high pitch fast crash with little motivation and desire left to continue. The best part is, right afterwards they blame it on network marketing instead of looking to improve themselves.
One must learn to understand the psychology of people, oneself and then be able to handle it too. That is not everyone's cup of tea. Highly paid "professionals" (there won't be many left for long, just read the papers), that are used to a 5 digit monthly check have grown comfortable to being the center of attention and find themselves rejected by most of their "friends", colleagues and everyone else in their warm market, they thought they could "convince" (this is not sales) to join their new business over night.
The process is simple. Not easy. Not easy because most of us (97%) are not used to communicating this way. We are used to doing everything to be in the center of attention. We try hard to get our thoughts and needs across to others, but we do nothing or very little to show the patience to listen what others have on their minds.
In closing I will share with you today a simple process I have learned from one of my mentors, Tim Sales (www.TimSales.com). His teachings are phenomenal. Get his CDs today.
Greet your prospect or future potential business partner. Qualify them by listening to their needs and asking questions. Finally, invite them to look or listen to a "tool". Do not try to do the presenting yourself. Be the messenger, not the message. There are many different tools to do that for you. This is what we call leveraging. Leverage your time and money through tools. These can be websites, CDs, flyers and much more. Many of which are very cheap or even for free. Feel free to send me an email with any of your questions.