We highly recommend getting into the 21st century by using these online tools. More often than not we experience resistance and fear using the internet. Basing your decisions on fear was not one of the characteristics that got you into network marketing so don't fall back to making uneducated decisions now.
So check out Google Wave, sign p (ask for an invitation) and start filling out those dreaded but very important profile sheets. Like it or not, they are the building blocks of our business. A task that has been highly neglected by most distributors which shows in their "success" rates.
Once done, share them with us, set an appointment to get on the phone with us to strategize further steps with all your prospects.
In future we will ask for profile sheets before we can make valuable three way calls. Set aside an hour to set this up and enjoy the change in habit and increase of growth in your organization.
Wellness Revolution via Networking, Social Media Marketing and a Fruit named Mangosteen
The Wellness Revolution is on! The Xango whole mangosteen fruit juice distributors are doing their part do educate millions of people around the world to better their diets and therefore their health and life style. The sickness industry (food & pharma) has taken it's toll on the developed countries. 61% are obese and battling their diseases. We encourage you to look into the exciting world of mangosteen and wellness, to find what is possible for you.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Using The Google Wave Profile Sheet
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
USA Today - Network Marketing Offers Recession-Proof Jobs

"We're recession-resistant ... (continue)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Now open: France, Spain, Portugal

The hard work and waiting will now pay off. Europe is open for Xango, Glimpse & 3sixty5. One last country to go - Italy. Enjoy the direct shipping and therefore lower cost. Go get yourself a treat and order the awesome vitamins and the unmatched skin care line. See the official Xango blog for details or see the short video here.
Now open: France, Spain, Portugal
Shared via AddThis
Friday, May 8, 2009
XanGo is Making a Difference for Children all around the World!

Is there any wonder why XanGo has broken
every record in the industry and continues
to be so successful.
At the Top Leaders Dinner on Friday night, our President, Craig Hale highlighted the charity accomplishments of XanGo....think about it. Not only are we the role model of all other companies, but NO ONE can top our passion for MAKING A DIFFERENCE....
just read below and let me know your thoughts...
Making a Difference Africa A Few More Reasons to Be Proud of - XanGo provided a level of funding to the Children's Organ Transplant Association that enabled approximately 20 children to receive life-saving transplant surgeries. Avg cost ($300,000.00 = $6,000,000). This is just one of the MANY reasons to be proud of being a XanGo distributor. Xango's charitable giving is second to none! Just think of all the amazing things that together, XanGo and XanGo's distributors can and will accomplish over the years to come! Thanks for all of your hard work! For more information on all our Xango activities visit: http://www.xango.com/company/news-center. To order Xango Mangosteen Juice, Glimpse Toxin-Free, All Natural Skin Care or 3sixty5 Vitamins & Minerals, click here: here: http://www.mymangosteen.com/Breeze/order.asp
In Africa, XanGo completed the fourth year of its title sponsorship of a project in Ghana through a partnership with the University of Utah. This sustainable program has addressed the pressing needs of a region in Ghana by partnering with local leaders to address nutrition, clean water, and education, prevention and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases. We have also helped build a school and a soccer field. This program has become a model for sustainable change projects in third world countries.
XanGo has partnered with a charity known as Vitamin Angels and has become the title sponsor of the organizations Vitamin A program in India. By providing essential Vitamin A to, XanGo and Vitamin Angels have helped prevent blindness in nearly 2 million Indian children since 2007.
In our No. 2 market, XanGo was the title sponsor of two Operation Smile Missions - one in June, and one in October. During these two missions, some 80 distributor volunteered to help staff the mission. Through these efforts and our funding, we helped some 200 children receive life-altering cleft lip or cleft palate surgery, changing their lives forever. (Avg. cost $25,000.00 = $5,000,000).
North of the border, XanGo partnered with The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, a charity dedicated to fulfilling a favorite wish for children diagnosed with high-risk, life-threatening illnesses. Through its national sponsorship, XanGo helped raise nearly $1.5 million to fulfill dozen of children's wishes. Hundreds of Canadian distributors had the opportunity to support this initiative in their own community by serving as volunteers and providing XanGo Juice during more than 100 XanGo Wishmaker Parades which took place across Canada in mid-October.
During the past three years, XanGo has provided significant funding to the Yokohama Family House, an organization that provides housing and support to the families of chronically ill children. With XanGo's help, which included both support of fundraising efforts and direct contributions, the Yokohama Family House opened its beautiful state-of-the-art facility last May.
In 2008, XanGo announced a sponsorship of the Tuloy Foundation, a charity that provides housing and education to orphaned and abandoned street children as well as classes to out-of-school boys and girls from indigent communities or other street children centers. Serving a much-needed role in The Philippines by integrating neglected and abandoned children back into society, the Tuloy Foundation is continually expanding its outreach.
XanGo's Accomplishments
- We also joined with New Orleans Saints' quarterback Drew Brees to send the message that we had not forgotten the victims of the 2005 hurricane, helping to rebuild recreational and educational facilities for children in New Orleans during the past two years. Phase I of that project was completed late last year.
- At home, XanGo also provided funding and employee manpower to build a safe playground in one of South Salt Lake's neediest neighborhoods. The pavilion in the park will be named the XanGo Pavilion.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How the Recession Affects Network Marketing
By Michael L. Sheffield | October 21, 2002 | Entrepreneur.com
Q: I've been working with a network marketing
company and am concerned about what others are saying about us being in a
recession. How will this affect my business? Should I be spending my efforts
on this part-time business
uncertain times? Should I focus on retail customers or on building my sales
A: Whether or not we are in a recession is a topic I'll leave to the
economic wizards. However, having worked full time in direct sales and
network marketing through several times of faltering economic indicators,
inflation, unemployment, layoffs, etc., I have some thoughts on this matter.
In today's news, you get mixed messages. But if we are in a recession, what
does it mean to you, the distributor? If you're not doing anything and
looking for an excuse not to do anything, a recession is about as good a
reason as any.
But if you're serious about your network marketing business, then, believe
it or not, a recession could be the best thing that's happened to you in a
while. Shaky economic times have historically produced a renewed awareness
of the need to make more money. You'll find people who were previously
uninterested in your business are suddenly looking for new financial
opportunities. They want a business that doesn't require a lot of capital,
allows them to establish their own hours and offers rewards that can grow
faster than capital or labor requirements.
Sound good to you? It's the business you're in right now!
While other businesses offer one or more of these benefits, only a true
network marketing plan can offer all three. The reality is that leveraging
your time through the multiplication process of network marketing is the
hardest principle to teach others, yet it's the easiest to attain if you're
involved with the right company and right product at the right time. It's
such a simple concept, people sometimes refuse to accept it as being
something that could actually work for them. They suffer from "analysis
paralysis," trying to figure out why it won't work rather than why it will,
making the whole process more difficult than it really is. But when people
are motivated by concern for their financial future, the sponsoring process
becomes much easier. Spouses are more supportive of their partner spending
extra hours working to create more financial security for the family.
If you're pre-planning for uncertain times, consider that customers
scrutinize your product or service more when dollars are tight. Is your
product or service a "need to have" or a "nice to have"? Products that are
necessities rather than luxuries do better during times of uncertainty.
Do you focus on retail or recruiting? In network marketing, these are never
exclusive. Building a strong retail customer base is critical, but you must
recruit others to duplicate your efforts. Learn the success formulas for
yourself, then teach others to achieve that same success. There is no other
way in network marketing. You can't achieve significant success on your
own--you only have so many hours each day. Nor can you sponsor that one
hotshot person who'll make you a success while you sit back and watch the
dollar bill sprout wings and fly into your mailbox. You need a plan to
duplicate your efforts through many others. It's a vivid example of the
biblical admonishment, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Network marketing is and always has been a person-to-person business, so
nothing happens until two people talk. During recessions, talk to people
about protecting themselves against an uncertain future via network
marketing. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "It is one of the most beautiful
compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another,
without helping themselves."
Michael L. Sheffield is the CEO of Sheffield Resource Network, a
full-service direct sales and network marketing consulting firm. He is also
the co-founder and chairman of the Multi Level Marketing International
Association (MLMIA).